Thursday, July 23, 2015

RIP Jacques Edmond AKA Gracié

La Vi Nan Bouk

Une etoile s'est eteinte. Jacques Edmond star of "La Vie Nan Bouk" passed away in Florida today. Best known for his role as Gracie in "La Vie Nan Bouk", Mr. Edmond always kept audiences laughing with his trademark 'fro and hilarious pranks on Bos Masel and Frederic.

Jacques Edmond as Gracie in 'La Vi Nan Bouk'.
"La Vi Nan Bouk" was a revolutionary Haitian TV show that put rural Haiti front and center and confronted social issues with humor and dignity. Mr. Edmond was 70 years old. 

Check out one of our favorite episode of "La Vi Nan Bouk" titled "Fifty fifty". This is part 2. Part 1 is available on Youtube as well.


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