We love making movies. It's great to follow our passion but often we forget that this is a business after all. Living in Los Angeles and having worked on micro budget films, I've seen some truly appalling behavior: Directors strolling on set 2 hours late, accidents, injuries, fights. You name it and I've seen it.
One of my biggest pet peeve is when an AD has no control over the crew. Control to me means that the crew respects you enough to follow your lead. It's amazing what a group of great people is willing to do when there is mutual respect.
Another seemingly minor (but it's not!) point is food. Feed your crew and keep them happy! Staff Me Up put together a list of 7 things not to do on set. To their list, I will add:
-DON'T be arrogant. Check your ego at the door.
-DON'T be lazy. If it's a small crew working on a tiny budget, then assist where help is needed. Caveat: depending on how the crew runs, it may not be permissible to touch equipment in other departments. Ask before you touch and use your judgment!
-DON'T disrespect your crew. I've seen an entire crew walk out on an abusive director.
-DON'T network when your supposed to be working. It's great to make friends but exchange information on your own time not during the shoot.
-DON'T turn your phone on. Seriously, don't do it. You may forget to turn it off and then in the middle of a shot ... ringtone!
-DON'T try to outshine others. I've seen instances where an AD tried to insult a great director because she did not attend film school. While I applaud those who attended film school, there are plenty of talented, award winning directors who are self taught. Just do your work, do it well, be nice, be a team player, make a kick ass movie, have fun. End of story.
Staff Me Up's list of "7 Things Not To Do On Set" can be found HERE.